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  • In the NewsJanuary 26, 2015

    The Reality of the Retirement Crisis

    “The consequences of these growing savings shortfalls could be severe for both American families and the national economy, as a large share of households may be forced to significantly reduce consumption in retirement and will have to rely heavily on their families, charities, and the government for help to make ends meet. Rather than staying […]

  • In the NewsDecember 12, 2014

    Going It Alone: The Frightening Costs Of Retirement Security In The 401(k) Age

    “On the road to retirement land, Americans aren’t putting enough gas in the tank. New research from leading retirement security experts shows that shortfalls in 401(k) accounts — the dominant savings vehicle in the private sector — are large, and that the cost of filling them is much greater than people realize. The bottom line: […]

  • In the NewsDecember 8, 2014

    California Copied as States Seek Retirement Plans

    “A California plan to give private-sector workers a state-run retirement savings plan is nearing $1 million in contributions, the goal set to pay for a market analysis to help design the program. Although the California plan is still in the formative stage, last week the Illinois legislature approved a plan based on the California model, […]

  • Press ReleaseNovember 1, 2014

    New Issue Brief Analyzes Teacher Retirement Plan Choice In Two States

    New research examines the retirement benefit elections of teachers in two states when there is a choice between a pension plan or a plan that combines an individual account with a pension. New Issue Brief Analyzes Teacher Retirement Plan Choice In Two States Webinar on Wednesday, December 17th at 4 PM ET to Review Findings […]

  • In the NewsOctober 6, 2014

    There Really Is a Huge Retirement Crisis Developing

    “Andrew Biggs and Sylvester Schieber’s contention that American retirees aren’t facing a retirement income crisis is largely based on a single cherry-picked number from one chart from a 365-page report by the OECD (“The Imaginary Retirement-Income Crisis,” op-ed, Sept. 30). The chart shows that on average Americans over the age of 65 have an income […]

  • In the NewsAugust 12, 2014

    Analyzing New York City’s Pension Funds

    “I disagree with your Aug. 4 front-page article “City’s System for Pensions Shows Strain.” New York City’s pension funds are on the road to recovery after weathering enormous losses from the collapse of the housing bubble, the economy and the stock market. Comptroller Scott M. Stringer reported recently that the city’s funds posted a 17.4 […]

  • In the NewsAugust 8, 2014

    King: Saving For Retirement a Critical Need For Today’s Workers

    “There is one undeniable demographic reality of our time. We are all going to have to work longer and save more for our retirement. Since the beginning of civilization, the care of the elderly has been the responsibility of younger generations. Before the last century, that responsibility was organized with families or tribes. But, beginning […]

  • In the NewsJuly 4, 2014

    Some States Look to Fill a Retirement Savings Gap

    “Saving for retirement early and often is part of the common financial wisdom. But those nest eggs aren’t always enough. Some baby boomers like Dorry Clay, a graphic designer and illustrator, set aside money for decades. Then unexpected costs arise. Ms. Clay learned she had cancer and raided her retirement account to cover chemotherapy. “That wiped […]