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  • In the NewsFebruary 21, 2014

    ‘I’m never going to be able to retire.’

    “At age 58 and less than a decade away from retirement, Nancie Eichengreen, found herself having to start over from scratch. It was 2012 and she had been laid off for the second time in 10 years from her job as a legal secretary. She spent a few years collecting unemployment benefits and dipping into […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 19, 2014

    AZ Pension Systems Recovering, Still Best Value For Taxpayers

    “Glaring headlines about Arizona’s public worker retirement system suggest that your typical retired teacher, firefighter or police officer is sipping margaritas on a beach somewhere enjoying a six-figure pension. Meanwhile the state’s pension funds are running out of money, leaving you, the taxpayer, stuck with the bill. Contrary to that alarmist image, Arizona’s retirement system […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 6, 2014

    Ideas to Make Retirement Possible

    “Who killed pensions? Can they be resurrected? A few decades ago, pensions were almost taken for granted by both public and private employees. They promised that people who worked a specified number of years for one employer would receive a certain amount each month, for life, after they retired. That amount was usually based on […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 2, 2014

    Report: Arizona Public Employee Pension Systems On Path To Stability

    “Arizona’s public pension systems for state employees, public safety personnel and corrections officers are on a path toward financial stability, according to a study by a bipartisan think tank. Despite having funding to meet 71.6 percent of pension obligations — a gap of $14.5 billion — reforms enacted in 2011 have curtailed the growth of […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 31, 2014

    NIRS Discusses Retirement Proposals

    It was a busy week in Washington on retirement. Diane Oakley discusses new proposals from President Obama and Senator Harkin on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal. Watch the full interview here.

  • In the NewsJanuary 22, 2014

    California Pension Cutters Bet Against Prosperity

    “Last week’s announcements about 2013 earnings by California’s largest public pension funds suggest the agencies may be making significant progress in shaking off the lingering after-effects of the 2008 stock market crash. The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) said it rode a 25 percent run-up in stock prices to post a 16.2 percent gain for its […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 3, 2014

    World Faces Retirement Crisis In Wake Of Great Recession

    “A global retirement crisis is bearing down on workers of all ages. Spawned years before the Great Recession and the 2008 financial meltdown, the crisis was significantly worsened by those twin traumas. The crisis will play out for decades, and its consequences will be far-reaching. Many people will be forced to work well past the […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 2, 2014

    CSPAN: Can Americans Retire?

    Is retirement out of reach?  Diane Oakley discusses the retirement savings shortfall on CSPAN’s Washington Journal. NIRS research finds retirement savings are dangerously low, and the U.S. retirement savings deficit is between $6.8 and $14.0 trillion. Watch the full interview here.

  • Press ReleaseDecember 1, 2013

    No Retirement Savings for Typical U.S. Households of Color

    A new report calculates the retirement security racial divide. Every racial group faces risks, but people of color face severe challenges preparing for retirement. NEW STUDY FINDS TYPICAL U.S. HOUSEHOLDS OF COLOR HAVE NO RETIREMENT SAVINGS Retirement Crisis Most Severe for Black, Latino Households Webinar on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, at 12 PM ET to […]