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  • In the NewsMarch 28, 2011 Cites NIRS’ Out of Balance Report

    March 28, 2011 — cites NIRS’ Out of Balance report to correct the record. Refuting comments made on a recent episode of a PBS talk-show, the article that the claim that that government workers are better paid than those in the private sector, traces to an egregiously simplistic comparison, ignoring meaningful differences in the public and private […]

  • In the NewsMarch 11, 2011

    PBS Covers NIRS Out of Balance Study

    March 11, 2011 — Watch Jon Meacham and Alison Stewart on PBS’ Need to Know as they examine public sector compensation levels. They cite NIRS “Out of Balance” study, which finds that public sector workers earn an average of 11% and 12% less, respectively, than comparable private sector employees. The analysis spans two decades to find that […]

  • In the NewsMarch 9, 2011

    Reuters: Stern Advice – Busting Retirement Myths

    March 9, 2011 —  Reuters provides more coverage of the NIRS second annual policy conference, highlighting comments from J. Mark Iwry, deputy assistant secretary for retirement and health policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In his comments, Iwry noted that the Obama Administration may soon propose rules that would make it easier for employers to offer workers guaranteed […]

  • Press ReleaseMarch 8, 2011

    Nine in Ten Americans Say U.S. Retirement System Under Severe Stress

    March 8, 2011, Washington, D.C. —  A new public opinion research report finds that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe the nation’s retirement infrastructure is crumbling and that stock market volatility makes it impossible to predict retirement savings. Download Research here.  Download Press Release in PDF here.  View CNBC coverage of the report here. The research also finds that Americans […]

  • In the NewsMarch 8, 2011

    National Underwriter Covers NIRS Second Annual Policy Conference

    March 8, 2011 —  National Underwriter Life and Health News recently featured comments from Dirk Kempthorne’s remarks at the 201 NIRS Policy Conference. In his remarks, Kempthorne  called for the passage of the bipartisan lifetime Income Disclosure Act, which has been introduced as S. 267 in the Senate and as H.R. 677 in the House. The bill would require […]

  • In the NewsMarch 8, 2011

    Reuters: Public Pensions Will Have a Fight for Funds-Group

    March 8, 2011 —  Reuters covers the NIRS second annual policy conference, highlighting findings from a recent NIRS opinion research poll and comments from Scott Pattison, executive director of the National Association of State Budget Officers. During the conference Pattiion noted that, “If you ask a state budget officer what they think spending will look like over a 10-year period going forward, […]

  • In the NewsMarch 8, 2011

    CNBC Covers NIRS Report, Conference

    March 8, 2011 — Watch CNBC’s Hampton Pearson cover NIRS 2011 policy conference and new public opinion research report. He reports that Americans are more pessimistic than ever about their retirement prospects, and that Washington leaders are “tone deaf” to their concerns. Pearson interviews Senator Tom Harkin and Diane Oakley, NIRS executive director.  

  • In the NewsMarch 7, 2011 Cites NIRS’ Pensionomics Report

    March 7, 2011 —  In a recent article, Political cites an economists views that there are, “older people who would like to retire and would do so if they could afford it.”  The economist continues that, ” With a full pension and medical care, retirees “will be happier. Young people who need work will […]

  • In the NewsMarch 3, 2011

    Reuters: Wisconsin Points to Need for Great American Pension Revival

    March 3, 2011 —  Reuters cites forthcoming NIRS research.  The poll shows Americans are near panic about retirement. The findings suggest that the financial meltdown and Great Recession have beaten expectations into the ground. In short, most Americans now equate retirement security with mere survival. Just as striking, the forthcoming poll shows that Americans finally understand that […]