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  • Press ReleaseMarch 1, 2011

    Private Sector Pensions Regulated to Death

    Leading Culprit is Funding Volatility, Not Pension Costs; Opportunities Exist to Reverse Pension Coverage Decline March 1, 2011 – Private sector companies have trended away from offering pensions because of an onerous regulatory environment. Download Research Brief here. Since the 1970s, laws and regulations have created funding volatility for companies sponsoring pensions, rather than facilitating predictable […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 25, 2011

    NYT: Experts Disagree on Public Sector Compensation

    February 25, 2011 —  NIRS research is cited in an article regarding the pay of public sector workers.  A great deal depends on the assumptions that researchers make while trying to do proper comparisons between private-sector and public workers. Keith A. Bender and John S. Heywood, economics professors at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee found that state […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 18, 2011

    NIRS Research Featured in EPI Report

    February 18, 2011– An EPI report by Ethan Pollack notes NIRS’ Out of Balance report findings to support the point that, “when comparing total compensation (which include non-wage benefits such as health care and pensions) of workers with similar education, public-sector workers consistently make less than their private-sector peers.” Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 12, 2011

    NIRS Research Cited in the Hartford Courant

    February 12, 2011– In a letter to the editor, Clarke King, President of AFSCME Local 1716 cites NIRS’ Better Bang for the Buck report research to support the fact that real pension plans deliver the same retirement benefit as a 401(k)-style plan for 46 percent less cost. Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 12, 2011

    NIRS Research in Twin Cities Daily Planet

    February 12, 2011– In a recent letter to the Twin Cities Daily Planet editor, a former secret service agent, Tom Heuerman, Ph.D, cites NIRS’ Out of Balance report findings to support the point that compensation for state and local workers is not excessive. Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 11, 2011

    NIRS Research Cited in the New Haven Register

    February 11, 2011– In a letter to the editor, Mark Bohannon, head custodian of a local high school and vice president of AFSCME Local 287 cites NIRS’ Pensionomics report to support the fact that pensions our good for downtown New Haven. Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 8, 2011

    Omaha World-Herald Notes Out of Balance Report

    February 8, 2011– In the article, “Public pay guidelines examined,” the writer, notes that the nebraska Association of Public Employees head, Julie Drake Abel cites NIRS’ Out of Balance report research saying to support the fact that public employee wages generally have declined when compared with wages in the private sector. Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 5, 2011

    NIRS Research in Wisconsin Rapids Tribune

    February 5, 2011– In his article, “Public employees face job struggles,” Nathaniel Shuda, cites NIRS’ Out of Balance report research saying, “State and local government employees earn an average of 11 percent and 12 percent less, respectively, in salary and wages than their comparable private sector counterparts.” Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 3, 2011

    NIRS Research Cited in Cincinnati Inquirer

    February 3, 2011– In a letter to the editor, NIRS’ Better Bang for the Buck report research is cited to support the fact that real pension plans deliver the same retirement benefit as a 401(k)-style plan for 46 percent less cost. Read the full article here.