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  • In the NewsSeptember 22, 2009

    Local Govt Seeks Ways to Make Pension Costs Manageable, September 22, 2009 — Public pensions were good shape before the financial crisis hit. In the wake of the market downturn, state and local officials are examining their plans to ensure continued sustainability for the next 50 years. Beth Almeida, NIRS executive director says that public pensions were “in really good shape” before the crisis […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 16, 2009

    Defined Benefit Plans Have Been Reliable

    Columbus Dispatch, September 16, 2009 —  A letter to the editor cites NIRS research indicating that defined-benefit-pension income reduces the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans. The Pension Factor notes that pension income resulted in a savings of $7.3 billion in public-assistance expenditures and 4.7 million fewer households in poverty or near poverty in 2006 in […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 1, 2009

    Public Pensions Focus on Reforms to Promote Sustainability

    Dow Jones Newswires, September 1, 2009 — Pensions in states including Ohio, Nevada, Kentucky and New Mexico are considering or have already instituted new rules for public employees’ retirement plans, and more are expected. For police, firefighter and teachers, it’s in residents’ best interests to reduce employee turnover through traditional pensions, say Aon actuary William Fornia. […]

  • In the NewsAugust 24, 2009

    The Pension Factor Podcast

    PLANSPONSOR, August 24, 2009 — In a Podcast interview, NIRS executive director Beth Almeida discusses the findings of the newest report “The Pension Factor.”  The study finds that pensions help elder Americans avoid poverty and hardship. “Pensions reduce — and in some cases eliminate — the greater risk of poverty and public-assistance dependence that women and minority populations otherwise […]

  • In the NewsAugust 21, 2009

    Public Pensions Are Not Lavish

    Gainesville Sun, August 21, 2009 —  Raymond T. Edmondson, Jr. writes that little attention has been paid to the important economic impact of defined benefit pensions. A 2005-2006 National Institute on Retirement Security analysis of the economic impact of public pension spending revealed substantial economic contributions by public sector retirees. Expenditures from those benefit payments supported $1.3 billion […]

  • In the NewsAugust 16, 2009

    Risk of Poverty Six Times Greater for Older Americans Lacking Pensions, New Study Finds

    Women’s Health Law Weekly, August 16, 2009 —  Defined benefit pension income plays a critical role in reducing the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans. “This analysis reveals that pensions have a unique, independent, and positive impact on older Americans economic well-being. This ‘pension factor’ is particularly powerful for improving the economic security of vulnerable older […]

  • In the NewsAugust 7, 2009

    Study Says Pensions Crucial to Reducing Elder Poverty

    The Sacramento Bee, August 7, 2009 —  A new study finds that poverty rates among older households lacking pension income are about six times greater than those with such income. Key findings in the Pension Factor indicate that pension receipt among older American households in 2006 was associated with: 1.72 million fewer poor households and 2.97 million fewer […]

  • In the NewsAugust 4, 2009

    Retirement Recovery Still Far Off

    MarketWatch, August 4, 2009 — Why is it bad to not have a traditional pension? Well, the poverty rate among older households lacking pension income is about six times greater than those with such income, according to The Pension Factor. “Pensions reduce — and in some cases eliminate — the greater risk of poverty and public-assistance dependence […]

  • Press ReleaseJuly 30, 2009

    Poverty Risk Six Times Greater for Older Americans Lacking Pensions

    July 30, 2009, Washington, D.C – ‘Pension Factor’ drives $7.3 billion in public assistance savings, 4.7 million fewer households in poverty, near-poverty.  Pensions important for minorities, women.  Press call at 11 AM ET, (888) 428-4474. Defined benefit pension income plays a critical role in reducing the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans.  According […]