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  • In the NewsFebruary 27, 2009

    Report Calculates Economic Benefits of Pensions

    The Advocate Capital News Bureau,  February 27, 2009 The spending of pension dollars by government retirees supported significant economic growth in Louisiana, according to a report released Thursday by the National Institute on Retirement Security.  Beth Almeida, executive director of the institute, said defined benefit pensions — where the retirement benefit lasts a lifetime — […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 26, 2009

    State-By-State Press Releases on Economic Impact of State & Local Pensions

    February 26, 2009, Washington, D.C. –  From coast to coast, state and local pensions have a sizable economic and job impact that ripples through every every state and industry.  NIRS has issued press releases for all 50 states outlining the economic impact for each state. The national report, “Pensionomics: Measuring the Economic Impact of State […]

  • Press ReleaseFebruary 26, 2009

    New Study Finds 2.5 Million U.S. Jobs, $358 Billion Economic Impact From State & Local Pensions

    February 26, 2009, Washington, D.C. – An economic impact analysis finds state & local government pension benefits have a sizable impact that ripples through every state and industry across the nation. The new report, “Pensionomics: Measuring the Economic Impact of State and Local Pension Plans,” finds that expenditures made from state & local pension benefits for fiscal […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    Study: Iowa Public Pension Plan Supports Thousands of Jobs

    Sioux City Journal, February 26, 2009 DES MOINES — Iowa’s public pension plans support 10,422 jobs and have a “sizable” $1.4 billion economic impact that “ripples” across the state and touches every industry, according to an analysis issued Thursday. The study conducted by NIRS,  a non-profit, non-partisan organization representing employee benefit plans, agencies that manage […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    Report: Pensions Provide Economic Boost

    Dayton Business Journal, February 26, 2009 In fiscal years 2005-06, state and local pension plans boosted the economy by more than $358 billion, according to a study released Thursday by the National Institute of Retirement Security (NIRS). Those benefits included supporting more than 2.5 million American jobs that paid $92 billion, providing $57 billion in […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    State, Local Plans Help Economy

    Pensions & Investments,  February 26, 2009 Benefits received from state and local defined benefit plans during 2006 generated $358 billion in economic output nationwide and $57 billion in tax revenue and supported 2.5 million jobs that paid workers a total of $92 billion, according to a National Institute on Retirement Security study. “In the current […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    Report: Pensions Provide Economic Boost

    Washington Business Journal, February 26, 2009 In fiscal years 2005-06, state and local pension plans boosted the economy by more than $358 billion, according to a study released Thursday by the National Institute of Retirement Security.  Those benefits included supporting more than 2.5 million American jobs that paid $92 billion, providing $57 billion in tax […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    Defending Pensions

    Business Week, February 26, 2009 The National Institute on Retirement Security has published a report on public pension plans and outlining the big economic benefit they bring. The study focuses on retiree spending, and how that helps the economy. It argues that these defined benefit plans become an “automatic stabilizer” for the economy by supporting […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 26, 2009

    Public Funds Underpin the Economy

    Global Pensions, February 26, 2009 — State and local government pension plans have a total economic impact of more than $358 billion and supported more than 2.5 million American jobs, a new report by the National Institute on Retirement Security reveals. Jonathan Stapleton reports that “Pensionomics: Measuring the Economic Impact of State and Local Pension Plans,” finds […]