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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsJune 27, 2024

    Pensions Are A Vital Workforce Tool For Retaining Public Safety Professionals

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan writes about role of pensions in recruiting and retaining public safety professionals. He writes that some jobs become increasingly taxing as one ages. Airline pilots and air traffic controllers, for example, are subject to mandatory retirement ages. While not subject to mandatory retirement ages, many police […]

  • In the NewsJune 24, 2024

    In a Forbes column, Dan Doonan writes the Rhode Island made news this month when it became the twentieth state to establish a state-facilitated retirement savings program and the seventeenth to do so with an auto-IRA model. This action by the Rhode Island legislature means every state in New England, except New Hampshire, will now […]

  • In the NewsMay 28, 2024

    Defined Benefit Pensions Are Alive And Well.

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan writes that defined benefit pensions are a reliable source of retirement income and remain extremely popular among workers today. Despite claims of their demise, DB pension plans are alive and well, paying benefits to 25 million people, holding $11.8 trillion in plan assets, and more than […]

  • In the NewsMay 14, 2024

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan outlines what Alaskans could expect if the state were to move forward with a return to pensions for its public workforce. Currently. Alaska is an outlier state when it comes to retirement benefits, offering only 401(k)-style defined contribution (DC) benefits to its workers. Alaskans who deliver […]

  • In the NewsMay 2, 2024

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan reports on his visit to Alaska to discuss with stakeholders the retirement and workforce challenges facing the state. He writes that he is heartened to see that Alaskans are having an open, honest, and data-driven debate about the solution they want to solve their workforce crisis. […]

  • In the NewsMay 1, 2024

    A Report From The Last Frontier

    NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan reports on his visit to Alaska where he is meeting with key stakeholders to share the findings from a recent report requested by the Alaska Department of Education on teacher recruitment and retention. 

  • In the NewsApril 11, 2024

    Americans Are Worried About Retirement Savings, And They Should Be

    This week is America Saves Week, a time to focus on actions Americans can take to successfully save.  When it comes to saving for retirement, Americans are feeling pessimistic. In a recent nationwide survey of working age Americans,  79 percent agree that the nation faces a retirement savings crisis, up from 67 percent in 2020. […]

  • In the NewsDecember 19, 2023

    Updating SSI’s Asset Limits Would Bolster Retirement Security

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan writes retirement policy has remained an area for bipartisan cooperation. Congress has passed two major pieces of retirement policy legislation in recent years, and red states, blue states, and purple states have established state-facilitated retirement savings programs to help working Americans save for their retirement. It […]