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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsFebruary 13, 2017

    Congress Considers Blocking California Retirement Savings Plan

    “A state program to help millions of Californians save for retirement could hit a roadblock this week if the U.S. House of Representatives votes to keep states from setting up individual plans for those who don’t have access to 401(k)-type benefits through their jobs. With the GOP controlling the White House and Congress, some Republicans in […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 13, 2017

    Congress Considers Blocking California Retirement Savings Plan

    “A state program to help millions of Californians save for retirement could hit a roadblock this week if the U.S. House of Representatives votes to keep states from setting up individual plans for those who don’t have access to 401(k)-type benefits through their jobs. With the GOP controlling the White House and Congress, some Republicans in […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 11, 2017

    Congress Shouldn’t Set Back Oregon’s Retirement Savings Efforts

    “The multitrillion-dollar retirement savings gap in America is a financial crisis of mind-boggling scope. It is also a moral one. That became clearer this week when a fast-track resolution was introduced in Congress to undermine Oregon and a handful of other states that are trying to make retirement saving easier for lower-income workers, many of […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 10, 2017

    Two Congressmen Are Trying to Kill a Program That Helps People Save for Retirement

    “One of the best ways to help people save money for retirement may soon be blocked by Congress. This week, two Republican Congressmen introduced bills that would effectively prevent states and cities from setting up automatic retirement programs for small business workers. More than 30 states are in various stages of developing these savings plans, according to the Georgetown […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 6, 2017

    Congress Poised To Halt State-Mandated Small Business Retirement Plans

    “Large employers are backing two Congressional resolutions that would put a stop to burgeoning state and city-mandated workplace retirement savings programs meant to cover the 55 million American workers without a private sector plan. The vote could come next week, and is causing alarm among retirement security watchdogs and the states that are rolling out […]

  • In the NewsFebruary 6, 2017

    How To Solve America’s Retirement Savings Crisis

    Like a number of enormous long-term problems in the U.S., the retirement savings crisis isn’t getting much constructive political attention. There’s a national shortfall in retirement savings, estimated at $4.13 trillion for heads-of-households aged 25-to-64, by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, and at $6.8 trillion or more by the National Institute on Retirement Security; 29% of those […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 27, 2017

    Retirement Shortages Hit Minorities Hardest

    “Nationwide, Hispanic and African American households have average retirement savings of $30,000, one-fourth of the $120,000 saved by white households, according to a 2013 report from the National Institute on Retirement Security. Those realities are expected to strain social and senior services in the United States for decades, as even families on the high end of […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 10, 2017

    Don’t expect the 401(k) to be a miracle retirement cure

    The Wall Street Journal recently ignited an online forest fire when some of the early champions of the 401(k) surprisingly disclosed a change of heart, seeing that the retirement investment accounts haven’t lived up to their expectations. Why the lament? Herbert Whitehouse, a former Johnson & Johnson human-resources executive, and one of the first in the U.S. to urge […]