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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsJanuary 5, 2017

    DC Plans at a Crossroads

    Americans face a host of retirement challenges. The transition to defined contribution (DC) plans hands more responsibility to workers to provide for themselves in retirement. Fiscal pressures on Social Security and Medicare place the future of those systems in doubt. Rising healthcare costs add further uncertainty. And slow growth in real household income and rising […]

  • In the NewsNovember 11, 2016

    How the Election May Have Accelerated Retirement Insecurity

    “Retirement security already looked like a looming train wreck for most U.S. households before Election Day. Now, the consolidation of Republican control of government threatens to accelerate the crash. It is too early to predict the agenda Donald Trump will bring to the White House on retirement policy, or where it might fit on his priority […]

  • In the NewsOctober 24, 2016

    For Some Low-income workers, Retirement is Only a Dream

    “It was a striking image. A photo of an 89-year-old man hunched over, struggling to push his cart with frozen treats. Fidencio Sanchez works long hours every day selling the treats because he couldn’t afford to retire. The photo and his story went viral and thousands of people donated more than $384,000 for his retirement. […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 27, 2016

    California Today: ‘Sticker Shock’ in Los Angeles Housing

    “What does it take to be middle class in Los Angeles? That was the question Ross DeVol started out asking himself when he began calculating how much a resident would need to make to spend 30 percent of earned after-tax income on rent for a two-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles County. The answer: a whopping […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 20, 2016

    How Many Americans Are Saving For Retirement? How Many Should Be?

    “The Financial Times reports today that the “U.S. is building toward a pensions crisis,” noting that “roughly 45% of working-age households have no retirementsavings.” Forgive me if I don’t wet my pants. Figures like these tell us very, very little about how well Americans are preparing for retirement. In fact, as my new American Enterprise Institute paper shows, better data […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 17, 2016

    Five Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready.

    “You are five to 10 years away from retirement and worry that you are behind in planning. You probably are. You are certainly not alone. A third of Americans between 55 and 65 have saved nothing for retirement, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security. The good news is that if you act now, […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 14, 2016

    Women More Likely Than Men to Face Poverty During Retirement

    “During their working years, women tend to earn less than men, and when they retire, they’re more likely to live in poverty. These are women who raised children and cared for sick and elderly family members, often taking what savings and income they had and spending it on things besides their own retirement security. The […]