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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsJune 3, 2016

    For Many Women, Adequate Pensions Are Still a Far Reach

    “Her mother, who taught in a one-room schoolhouse in the hills of Kentucky a century ago, had some words of wisdom for Adna Bert Baldwin: A woman should be independent and have money to pay her own way. Ms. Baldwin, 81, took that advice seriously. She married young, to her high school sweetheart, but followed […]

  • In the NewsMay 19, 2016

    Column: How To Get the Most From Social Security’s Survivor Benefit

    “The survivor benefit is one of the best illustrations of how Social Security really is “social insurance.” Payroll taxes paid into the program buy income protection for your spouse in case of your death – somewhat like life insurance. And survivor benefits are not limited to spouses. In some cases, surviving children who are unmarried […]

  • In the NewsMay 18, 2016

    Retirement: Do the Math On Retirement Income

    “Couples nearing retirement have to make key decisions about where and how to live, as well as how to ensure that any pension or annuity payments go to the survivor and how to maximize Social Security for both when one spouse is the bigger earner. If you anticipate a retirement-income shortfall, working longer is often […]

  • In the NewsMarch 30, 2016

    7 Things Women Should Do With Their Money To Counteract The Wage Gap

    “If you take the numbers at face value, it may seem like the wage gap between women and men isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be. A recent report from The American Association of University Women found that in 2014, American women who worked full time made only 79% of what men made. […]

  • In the NewsMarch 29, 2016

    A Universal 401(k)? California Considers a Radical Proposal To Help Workers Save

    “California thinks it has a solution to Americans’ woeful preparation for retirement: a near-universal 401(k) plan. The state legislature on Monday received recommendations from a state board related to the creation of the California Secure Choice Retirement Plan—in essence a 401(k) plan operated by the state that’s available to private-sector employees whose employers don’t provide […]

  • In the NewsMarch 21, 2016

    Retirement May Be Dicey For Single Women

    “All the Single Ladies, All the Single Ladies: Start planning now for your financial future! A much-anticipated report released Tuesday shows the roughly 55 million single women in the U.S. are in a far more precarious position than married women – as well as all men – when it comes to retirement savings. As a […]