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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsOctober 21, 2015

    Advisors Could Be Overlooking Strategy for Pre-retiree and Retiree Clients

    “Two thirds of advisors say that a key goal for pre-retirement and retiree clients is income distribution planning—but that doesn’t mean they’re suggesting annuities as a way to achieve that goal. That’s according to a survey conducted by Saybrus Partners, Inc., which found that while 65 percent of advisors identified “retirement income distribution planning” as the chief […]

  • In the NewsOctober 19, 2015

    Five Reasons Why Traditional Pensions Are Still the Best Way to Provide Retirement Security

    “This week, America is celebrating National Save for Retirement Week, established by Congress to raise public awareness about the importance of putting money aside for our golden years. For decades, traditional pensions, or defined benefit plans, have been the retirement savings tool of choice for employers in the public and private sector, and they continue […]

  • In the NewsOctober 5, 2015

    Bill Would Help Retirement Savings

    “A secure retirement seems like a distant dream for too many Wisconsinites. Social Security alone isn’t enough to retire on – the average benefit for most Wisconsinites is about $1,300 a month. Across the country, millions of people are at risk of running out of savings after they retire. The nation is facing a vast […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 19, 2015

    Why Teachers Aren’t Getting Their Pensions

    “Teacher pensions are in trouble. The latest figures show that states and districts are half a trillion dollars behind in their commitments to fully fund the retirement benefits they promised teachers. That’s a huge sum affecting some 3.5 million current educators. But not all pension payouts are equal. In fact, just 20 percent of teachers […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 17, 2015

    How to Boost the Ranks of African-American Financial Planners

    “The retirement security problems facing so many Americans are much more acute among minority groups. Income disparity is an important cause, but recent research also shows that some of the gap could be due to differences in investing patterns. A growing number of advocates feel that having more African-Americans involved in financial planning could help. “We’re […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 9, 2015

    Here’s One Public Pension that Survived the 2008 Crisis

    “The 2008 financial crisis hurt retirement savings, but we found public defined benefit pensions in red states and blue states that survived the market’s free-fall in reasonable shape. Surprisingly, one of those well-funded plans is the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. What distinguishes financially sound pensions from others? It’s simple: mandated, adequate contributions. “Adequate” means contributions from both employees […]

  • In the NewsAugust 21, 2015

    Public Pension Shocker: Shutting a Pension Plan Actually Costs Taxpayers Money

    “Amid the nationwide panic over the rising costs of public employee pensions, one proposed solution is nearly universal: States and municipalities should shutter their traditional defined benefit plans and place all new employees in a 401(k)-style defined contribution plan instead. That’s the idea in a proposed California ballot initiative we reported on last week. The measure, […]

  • In the NewsAugust 3, 2015

    Report: Indiana Above Average in Retirement Preparedness

    “Hoosiers are in slightly better shape for retirement than most other people in the country, according to a new report. But that’s not saying much. Only about half of Indiana’s private-sector workers participate in retirement plans, and the average amount saved is too low, according to a study released Thursday by the National Institute on Retirement […]