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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsAugust 2, 2015

    Living In Low Cost State Could Backfire For Retirees, Warns Think Tank

    “Living in a low-cost state could backfire as a long-term retirement strategy, says a report by the National Institute for Retirement Security. While much of good retirement planning begins decades ahead, a young worker who moves to a low-cost state could end up harming him- or herself later on since wages also tend to be […]

  • In the NewsJuly 30, 2015

    Which State’s Retirees Are The Best Prepared?

    “Millions of Americans are ill-prepared to retire. But a lot depends on where you live. Retirement security is a combination of having enough savings and pension income to cover costs associated with aging, especially medical bills. As older workers continue to postpone retirement, job market conditions also play a critical factor. Those characteristics vary widely […]

  • In the NewsJune 1, 2015

    America Despises Its Elderly: Why Seniors Have to Choose Between Food and Medicine

    ” “The Greatest Retirement Crisis in the History of the World” That’s what Forbes calls it. Most retirement-age Americans have little or no savings. $30 trillion in new wealth has been gained in the U.S. since 2009, six times more than the amount spent on Social Security during that time, and most of itwent to older Americans, as it has for the last 30 […]

  • In the NewsMay 18, 2015

    To Retire, I Need How Much?

    “In the real world, we see most people still struggling to save for retirement. A new study from theNational Institute on Retirement Security reports that the median retirement account balance for households nearing retirement is $14,500; almost two out of three working heads of households (62%) ages 55 to 64 hold retirement savings worth less than […]

  • In the NewsMay 15, 2015

    Shift to 401(k) Plans Increasing Income Inequality: Study

    “More companies have shifted away from defined-benefit plans in the past few decades, as they struggle with mounting pension obligations. Now, a new report argues that the large-scale move by companies toward defined-contribution 401(k) plans is widening the gap between rich and poor in the United States.” -Wall Street Journal Read the article.

  • In the NewsMay 6, 2015

    Avoiding a Personal Retirement Crisis

    “The markets may be improving for some, but for many Americans, a retirement crisis still looms: According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, about 45 percent — or 38 million working-age households — have not started a retirement fund of any kind. With the future of Social Security uncertain and an increasing number of […]

  • In the NewsApril 28, 2015

    The Freelancer’s Guide To Saving For Retirement

    “Fifty-three million Americans are now living the freelance life, and they have one very big thing in common: Without the backing of a full-time employer, the onus is on freelancers to handle their own retirement planning. In all, about 34 percent of the nation’s workforce is now freelance, according to a nationwide survey put out last summer […]

  • In the NewsMarch 30, 2015

    The Surprising Amount Retirees Spend

    “People! Why won’t they behave the way financial advisers and economists tell them to when it comes to their retirement and their money? In February, Merrill Lynch and Age Wave came out with a survey of retirees which found not only didn’t they all downsize when retiring, 30% who’ve moved since they retired have upsized their […]

  • In the NewsMarch 29, 2015

    For Millions, 401(k) Plans Have Fallen Short

    “You need to know this number: $18,433. That’s the median amount in a 401(k) savings account, according to a recent report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Almost 40% of employees have less than $10,000, even as the proportion of companies offering alternatives like defined benefit pensions continues to drop. Older workers do tend to […]