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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsJanuary 2, 2014

    CSPAN: Can Americans Retire?

    Is retirement out of reach?  Diane Oakley discusses the retirement savings shortfall on CSPAN’s Washington Journal. NIRS research finds retirement savings are dangerously low, and the U.S. retirement savings deficit is between $6.8 and $14.0 trillion. Watch the full interview here.

  • In the NewsSeptember 23, 2013

    Bloomberg: Why 100K Salary May Yield Retirement Flipping Burgers

    A Bloomberg article cites data from the National Institute on Retirement Security on the gravity of the retirement savings crisis. The article states, “About 7.2 million Americans who were 65 and older were employed last year, a 67 percent increase from a decade ago, according to government data. Yet 59 percent of households headed by […]

  • In the NewsJuly 1, 2013

    USA Today’s To Dos for Retirement

    NIRS Executive Director Diane Oakley weighs in on the retirement savings shortfall facing Americans in this USA Today article, citing NIRS’ study The Retirement Savings Gap: Is It Worse Than We Think? Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJune 26, 2013

    Retirement Savings $14T Below Threshold

    CBS MoneyWatch reports on the NIRS findings from “The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think?” which analyzed the state of Americans’ retirement savings and compared them to benchmarks gauging progress toward maintaining retirement living standards. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJune 24, 2013

    Rowboats for Retirement

    Persistent unemployment and stagnant wages have left many workers treading water, struggling so hard to both stay afloat and save for retirement. The New York Times’ Economix blog covers the new NIRS research on the retirement savings gap. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJune 23, 2013

    Americans Face Retirement Unprepared

    “If you have saved enough to afford a comfortable retirement, congratulations. You’re in a tiny minority,” reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in an article about new NIRS retirement savings gap research. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJune 21, 2013

    Retirement Plans Need Refocus

    “The traditional ways of getting people to save haven’t worked,” says Forbes in an article covering the savings crisis facing American families and the release of the NIRS report The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think?. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJune 21, 2013

    Millions Of Near-Retirees Have No Savings

    The official AARP Blog writes about new NIRS report on the retirement savings gap, pulling in supporting evidence from AARP experts to show the staggering gap in what Americans need to have saved for retirement and what they have in reality. Read the blog post here.

  • In the NewsJune 20, 2013

    Retirement Shortfall May Top $14 Trillion

    The New America Foundation covered the webinar releasing our retirement savings gap research, stating “The NIRS report does a great job of laying out the essential flaws of our current retirement system and identifying strategies to improve matters.” Read the full blog post here.