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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsJune 19, 2013

    Americans’ retirement savings falling short

    The Twin Cities’ Pioneer Press highlights the retirement savings gap facing working Americans households and NIRS’ release of the The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse Than We Think? Read the article here.

  • In the NewsApril 18, 2013

    NIRS Commentary in Post-Gazette

    NIRS executive director Diane Oakley writes that more than 70 percent of Americans agree that public employees who protect and shape our future should receive a pension.  So it is not a surprise that, after the financial crisis, Pennsylvania and nearly every state enacted sustainability changes.  Read the full article opinion piece here.

  • In the NewsFebruary 13, 2013

    What’s All the Fuss About myRA Accounts?

    “Millions of Americans have no access to a retirement plan at their workplace. In fact, about 45% of U.S. households do not have any retirement account assets at all, according to a 2013 report from the National Institute on Retirement Security. President Barack Obama took aim at the problem in his recent State of the […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 21, 2013

    Retirement Account Have-Nots

    The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch covers the NIRS Report, The Retirement Savings Gap: Is It Worse Than We Think?, suggesting that the silver lining of defined benefit pensions protecting baby boomers, should be a benefit all Americans have access to. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsJanuary 14, 2013

    401(k) breaches undermining retirement security

    January 14, 2013 – The Washington Post quotes NIRS executive Director Diane Oakley. “We’re going from bad to worse. Already, fewer private-sector workers have access to stable pension plans. And the savings in individual retirement savings accounts like 401(k) plans — which already are severely underfunded — continue to leak out at a high rate.” […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 10, 2013

    Retirees Face Fiscal Cliff

    January 10, 2013 – A USA Today column quotes NIRS executive Director Diane Oakley on the economic efficiencies of defined benefit pension plans. “Over 30 years, Oakley says, money in individual retirement accounts can be expected to return nearly 25% less than equal amounts of money poured into traditional pension plans.” Read the full column here.

  • In the NewsNovember 6, 2012

    Young Americans Face Bleak Retirement Prospects

    November 6, 2012 – The Washington Post reports on the retirement prospects facing young workers as the slow economic recovery has caused employers to reduce pension benefits and cut retirement contributions. NIRS weighs in on what this means for the Millennials and their futures. Read the full story here.