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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsDecember 1, 2010

    NIRS Research Cited in Las Vegas Review Journal

    December 2010 — In a Las Vegas Review Journal letter to the editor Lee Saunders, AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer, quotes NIRS research, which found that professionally managed pensions can deliver the same level of benefits at half the cost of a 401(k)-style plan. Read the full article here.

  • In the NewsDecember 1, 2010

    NIRS Research Cited in Left Labor Reporter

    December 2010 — Findings NIRS’ research report, “Better Bang for the Buck,” are cited in a recent article by Left Labor Reporter. It notes that, “the cost to deliver the same level of retirement income to a group of employees is 46 percent lower in a DB plan than it is in a [private] DC […]

  • In the NewsDecember 1, 2010

    NIRS Research Cited in Financial Times

    December 2010 – The recent Financial Times article, “Call for Collective Pensions,” includes findings from the NIRS research report, “Better Bang for the Buck,” noting that, “outcomes from collective schemes could be as much as 83 percent better than from traditional DC schemes.   The article also discusses the “collective” defined contribution pension schemes, which allow for […]

  • In the NewsNovember 1, 2010

    Restoring Retirement Readiness

    November 2010 — NIRS director of programs, Ilana Boivie, writes in Register Rep Rep magazine that, “with shriveled 401(k) balances, shrunken housing wealth, and precarious job market, millions of Americans truly continue to struggle in the aftermath of the economic downturn.” The article also discusses several practical, broad-based policy solutions that could be implemented to rebuild a […]

  • In the NewsOctober 1, 2010

    Repairing Retirement

    October 2010 — At one time, the U.S. had a “three-lane highway” to retirement—a pension, Social Security, and individual savings—available to a large portion of the workforce. Today, our retirement infrastructure is in disrepair. The American challenge is to rebuild the road to retirement. NIRS director of programs Ilana Boivie writes that as the traditional […]

  • In the NewsSeptember 7, 2010

    BNA Pension & Benefits Reporter

    September 7, 2010 — Inaction on retirement policy is no longer an option for travelers on the road to retirement security.  What happened to the road to retirement? For decades, Americans had access to a three-lane highway’’ to retirement: a pension, Social Security, and individual savings. NIRS director of programs Ilana Boivie writes that these […]

  • In the NewsAugust 29, 2010

    Texas Public Sector Pay 17% Lower than Private

    April 29, 2010 — The Dallas Morning News reports on the new study, “Out of Balance?” that finds Texas’ public sector workers earn 17 percent less than private employees with comparable experience and education. The gap was larger than it was nationally or in six other large states studied. Researchers didn’t pinpoint why pay of state and local […]

  • In the NewsAugust 28, 2010

    State & Local Workers Underpaid

    April 28, 2010 —  The Des Moines Register reports on the new study, “Out of Balance?” that finds wages of state and local government employees nationally are lower than those for private-sector employees with comparable education and work experience. State workers typically earn 11 percent less and local workers 12 percent less, according a study commissioned by […]

  • In the NewsAugust 2, 2010

    Pensions Are Economically Efficient

    August 2, 2010 — The Wall Street Journal has published the National Institute on Retirement Security’s letter to the editor regarding the economic efficiencies of defined benefit pension plans and the implications of a pension freeze. NIRS director of programs Ilana Boivie writes that any actuary or economist can explain that, dollar for dollar, a group pension […]