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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsAugust 16, 2009

    Risk of Poverty Six Times Greater for Older Americans Lacking Pensions, New Study Finds

    Women’s Health Law Weekly, August 16, 2009 —  Defined benefit pension income plays a critical role in reducing the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans. “This analysis reveals that pensions have a unique, independent, and positive impact on older Americans economic well-being. This ‘pension factor’ is particularly powerful for improving the economic security of vulnerable older […]

  • In the NewsAugust 7, 2009

    Study Says Pensions Crucial to Reducing Elder Poverty

    The Sacramento Bee, August 7, 2009 —  A new study finds that poverty rates among older households lacking pension income are about six times greater than those with such income. Key findings in the Pension Factor indicate that pension receipt among older American households in 2006 was associated with: 1.72 million fewer poor households and 2.97 million fewer […]

  • In the NewsAugust 4, 2009

    Retirement Recovery Still Far Off

    MarketWatch, August 4, 2009 — Why is it bad to not have a traditional pension? Well, the poverty rate among older households lacking pension income is about six times greater than those with such income, according to The Pension Factor. “Pensions reduce — and in some cases eliminate — the greater risk of poverty and public-assistance dependence […]

  • In the NewsJuly 30, 2009

    CalPERS Commends NIRS

    CalPERS Press Release, July 30, 2009 SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) today praised the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) for their study that shows defined benefit plans play a critical role in reducing the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans. In the NIRS report — The Pension […]

  • In the NewsJuly 30, 2009

    Study Proves Power of the Pension

    Bizzia, July 30, 2009 A recent study, entitled “The Pension Factor: Assessing the Role of Defined Benefit Plans in Reducing Elder Hardships”, had some interesting findings. The main theme of the study is that having a defined benefit pension lowers the risk of hardship and poverty for Americans during their retirement years. In fact, not […]

  • In the NewsJuly 30, 2009

    Study Indicates Pensions Reduce Poverty

    Plan Advisor, July 30, 2009 Defined benefit pension income plays a critical role in reducing the risk of poverty and hardship among older Americans, according to a new study. The study found rates of poverty among older households lacking pension income were about six times greater than those with such income. The analysis also found […]

  • In the NewsJuly 30, 2009

    New Pension Study Released

    US News and World Report, July 30, 2009 Another pension study released today and coauthored by Frank Porell, a gerontology professor at the University of Massachusetts-Boston and Beth Almeida, executive director of the National Institute on Retirement Security , found that poverty rates for senior citizens are six times greater for households without a traditional pension than for retirees with a […]

  • In the NewsJuly 13, 2009

    Dismantling Public Pensions Would Hurt More Than Help

    USA TODAY publishes a NIRS letter to the editor response to the editorial. “It’s unfortunate that USA TODAY’s July 13 editorial pits workers with some hope of retirement against the most vulnerable workers those lacking pensions.”  The editorial implied that “defined benefit” plans no longer exist in the federal government and have evaporated in the private sector. But […]

  • In the NewsJune 28, 2009

    Louisiana Seeks to Draw Retirees to Settle

    The Advocate, June 28, 2009 Every $1 in pension benefits paid to retirees in Louisiana results in $1.31 worth of economic activity, according to a report by the National Institute on Retirement Security. Read the full piece here.