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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsMay 9, 2009

    Mom’s Dreary Retirement Prospects

    North County Times, May 9, 2009 Marie Coco covers NIRS new research brief and says Mother’s Day is a time for more conversations about how mothers—and all American women—are going to be supported in old age.  Women used to depend on traditional pensions that under the law protected surviving spouses, usually a widow, with lifetime monthly […]

  • In the NewsMay 9, 2009

    Mom’s Dreary Retirement Prospects

    Washington Post Writers Group, May 9, 2009 — Syndicated columnist Marie Coco covers NIRS new research brief and says Mother’s Day is a time for more conversations about how mothers—and all American women—are going to be supported in old age. Despite all the educational and employment gains women have made over the last three decades, “there’s still a […]

  • In the NewsMay 7, 2009

    Boomers Going Bust

    The Washington Post, May 7, 2009 — David Ignatius covers the U.S. retirement security crisis.  He refers to a recent NIRS poll, which indicates anxiety about the issue.  Some 83% of those Americans polled said they were worried about having a secure retirement. Of those with a 401(k) account, only about half thought they would have enough money […]

  • In the NewsMay 7, 2009

    Women Need 3-Legged Stool in Retirement More So Than Men

    Plan Sponsor, May 7, 2009 Women remain at a higher risk for retirement insecurity as compared to men, according to a new research brief issued today by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS).  Specifically, the research finds that that a woman with a salary of $50,000 must save $1,000 more per year than her […]

  • In the NewsMay 7, 2009

    Institute Urges Policymakers to Consider Pension Needs of Female Workers, Spouses

    BNA Daily Report for Executives, May 7, 2009 Women, even more than men, need the retirement security that only defined benefit plans provide, according to an issue brief published by the National Institute on Retirement Security.  Because women generally earn less and live longer than men, having a secure pension is necessary to prevent women […]

  • In the NewsMay 4, 2009

    Survey: Americans Want Pensions Back

    U.S. News and World Report, May 4, 2009 Americans with shrunken nest eggs are feeling nostalgic for pensions. About half of those without a pension (55 percent), say the old-fashioned retirement plan would ease their money worries, according to a National Institute on Retirement Security survey. However, not all workers with pensions are sleeping soundly. […]

  • In the NewsApril 27, 2009

    Bring Back Pensions!

    The Motley Fool, April 27, 2009 — No surprise that a recent study from the National Institute on Retirement Security shows people are worried about retirement, especially in the wake of 2008’s 40% market drop. The report explained that when it comes to retirement plans, Americans want: The report accompanying the survey explained that when it comes to retirement […]

  • In the NewsApril 16, 2009

    Public Pensions OK

    Pittsburgh Tribune, April 16, 2009 A response to an editorial on defined benefit pension plans discusses the National Institute on Retirement Security report, which indicates that pensions can deliver the same level of retirement income to a group of employees is 46 percent lower level than a defined contribution plan. Read the full response here.

  • In the NewsApril 10, 2009

    Report Cites Value Of Pensions in Boosting City, State Economies

    The Chief-Leader, April 10, 2009 The National Institute on Retirement Security released a report last month that state pension benefits resulted in increased tax revenue and positive economic activity, supporting the labor movement’s opposition to Mayor Bloomberg’s call for pension reform. Read the full article here.