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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsAugust 15, 2008

    The Case for DB

    Benefits Canada, August 15, 2008 This article reports that defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors looking to save money by switching to defined contribution (DC) plans take note: despite commonly held beliefs, DB plans are capable of delivering retirement benefits at a lower cost than DC plans. The National Institute on Retirement Security’s (NIRS) report, A Better Bang […]

  • In the NewsAugust 15, 2008

    Retirement Security Study Highlights Efficiency of DB Plans

    Bureau of National Affairs, August 15, 2008 BNA reports on NIRS latest research, which indicates that defined benefit plans are more cost effective than defined contribution plans because of longevity risk pooling, portfolio diversification, and superior returns. The article indicates that NIRS executive director Beth Almeida calls the report “the first of many that the institute expects to contribute […]

  • In the NewsAugust 15, 2008

    DB Plans Outmaneuvre DC

    Global Pensions, August 15, 2008 Saving in a defined benefit (DB) pension plan can deliver the same level of retirement income at almost half the cost of a defined contribution (DC) scheme, latest research reveals. A report by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) found the overall cost to employers and their workers was 46% lower […]

  • In the NewsAugust 15, 2008

    Report Finds DC Plans Costly to Employers

    Financial News/Dow Jones, August 15, 2008 Stephanie Baum reports on a new NIRS report that finds defined contribution schemes such as 401-K plans are more expensive for employers to implement even as companies shift toward them and away from defined benefit schemes. The study concludes that the cost for employers to fund the target retirement benefit using a defined benefit […]

  • In the NewsAugust 14, 2008

    DB Plans 46% Lower than DC

    Pension and Investments, August 14, 2008 Reporter Drew Carter covers the NIRS report, “A Better Bang for the Buck:  The Economic Efficiencies of Defined Benefit Pension Plans.” The article reports that the NIRS study finds that DB plans cost 46% less than defined contribution plans because of better investment performance, lower fees and longevity risk pooling. Beth Almeida, NIRS […]

  • In the NewsAugust 14, 2008

    DB Might be Cheaper Than DC

    PlanAdviser, August 14, 2008 Rebecca Moore reports that defined benefit (DB) retirement plans are a less costly benefit for employers than a defined contribution (DC) plan according to research from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS). The economic efficiencies inherent in a defined benefit retirement plan make it less costly, according to Beth Almeida, executive director of […]

  • In the NewsAugust 14, 2008

    DB Plans Cost Less Than DC Plans Costly to Employers

    PlanSponsor, August 14, 2008 The economic efficiencies inherent in a defined benefit retirement plan makes it a less costly benefit for employers to provide than a defined contribution retirement plan reports PlanSponsor. So said Beth Almeida, Executive Director of the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), as she concluded an overview of the findings in a new report, […]

  • In the NewsAugust 4, 2008

    When (401)k Investing Goes Bad

    The Wall Street Journal, August 4, 2008 Reporter Jennifer Levitz profiles the West Virginia’s switch back to the traditional pension system. According to the article, West Virginia school employees shifted from a pension plan that guaranteed a monthly check, to a retirement-savings plan that would make the teachers, bus drivers, custodians and other staff responsible for their own investment […]

  • In the NewsAugust 3, 2008

    US Lawmakers Discuss Retirement Poverty

    Financial Times, August 3, 2008 In an article following a Congressional hearing on pensions, the Financial Times reports that lawmakers are interested in efforts to revitalize pensions plans amid worries that Americans are not saving enough for retirement. The paper also reports that lawmakers and the experts they interviewed at the hearing said those closures could undermine the economy. […]