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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsAugust 1, 2008

    Public Pension Prowess

    Governing, August 2008 Reporter Penelope Lemov reports that some state pension plans are doing so well that the private sector could use their advice. The article explains that states are interested in having its private citizens, as well as its public employees, financially prepared for retirement. Those who aren’t prepared are likely to be dependent on the state for assistance. NIRS […]

  • In the NewsJuly 14, 2008

    Congress Told Schemes Good for Economy

    Global Pensions, July 14, 2008 in an article about the July 10th Joint Economic Committee hearing, NIRS comments on the economic importance of pensions.  “Pensions are much more than the cornerstone of retirement security. The assets held by pension funds make a significant contribution to the economy and provide capital to create new businesses and jobs.  This aspect of […]

  • In the NewsJuly 11, 2008

    Public Pensions Getting it Right, Speakers Tell Senate Committe Hearing

    Bureau of National Affairs, Pension & Benefits Daily, July 11, 2008 Read PDF here Public pension plans are “getting it right,” so the federal government does not need to get involved, speakers told a hearing of the Joint Economic Committee July 10. In addition, they suggested, public plans should be used as a model for the private sector.  […]

  • In the NewsJuly 10, 2008

    Senator Seeks Some Ideas to Save DB Plans

    Pensions & Investments, July 10, 2008 In article published regarding a Congressional hearing on pensions, Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa., expressed concern that the shift to defined contribution plans from defined benefit plans is adding “substantially to the risk we are asking ordinary Americans to take.”  Read the full article at Pensions & Investments.  (Subscription required)

  • In the NewsJuly 2, 2008

    Ruined by 401(k) Predators

    Business Week, July 2, 2008 An article in the Annual Retirement Guide mentions NIRS first Issue Brief.  “A May study by the research group National Institute on Retirement Security found that about one in three households approaching retirement is at risk of running out of money.” Read the full article at Business Week.

  • In the NewsJune 11, 2008

    Growing Value and Activism Bring New Scrutiny to Public Pension Funds

    Knowledge@Wharton, June 11, 2008 The Wharton School’s online business journal has featured a research paper coauthored by Beth Almeida, NIRS executive director. The journal reports that the paper, “The New Intersection on the Road to Retirement: Public Pensions, Economics, Perceptions, Politics, and Interest Groups” examined public pension data and presented case studies from four states that […]

  • In the NewsMay 28, 2008

    NIRS Warns DC Plans More Vulnerable Than DB

    Global Pensions, May 28, 2008 In an interview with Global Pensions, NIRS executive director Beth Almeida discusses the importance of pensions in ensuring retirement readiness. She said “Looking at the issue in the context of the current business cycle here in the US we know that this problem of leakage from 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts is a big […]

  • In the NewsMarch 2, 2008

    Retirees Face Grim Income Numbers

    The Lexington Herald-Leader, March 2, 2008 In an opinion piece, NIRS executive director Beth Almeida says that for hard-working Kentuckians, retiring at a reasonable age with a modest income that will last until death is a legitimate expectation.  But the reality is that it’s getting tougher to retire.  More broadly, emulating the economic successes of group retirement plans […]

  • In the NewsNovember 26, 2007

    NIRS Names Executive Director

    The Washington Post, November 26, 2007 The National Institute on Retirement Security District named Beth Almeida, formerly with the International Association of Machinists, as executive director.  Washington Post