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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsSeptember 1, 2021

    Stark, Growing Economic Inequality Fuels Retirement Insecurity

    In a new Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan writes that most working Americans will continue to struggle to achieve retirement security because the ownership of financial assets is highly concentrated among the wealthiest. He explains that a new analysis, Stark Inequality, examines the role of race in financial asset ownership. Boomer, Gen X, […]

  • In the NewsAugust 5, 2021

    High Retirement Anxiety For Millennials and Generation X

    In a new Forbes column, Dan Doonan, NIRS executive director, says that many Americans are worried about retirement. But, substantial differences emerge across generations. Millennials (72 percent) and Generation X (59 percent) are significantly more more pessimistic about achieving financial security in retirement as compared to Baby Boomers (43 percent) and the Silent Generation (26 […]

  • In the NewsJuly 1, 2021

    Now Is The Time To Re-Think Retirement Plan Conventional Wisdom

    In a Forbes column, Dan Doonan says that retirement plan design can make or break an employee’s ability to maintain their standard of living in retirement. But over the past several decades, many private sector companies implemented a complete overhaul in retirement plan design, shifting from defined benefit pensions to 401(k)-style defined contribution accounts. As […]

  • In the NewsMay 7, 2021

    For Mother’s Day, Forget the Flowers and Get Retirement Security for Moms

    In a Forbes column, NIRS Executive Director Dan Doonan says there is one thing we all can do on Mother’s Day – commit to finding solutions that deliver better retirement security for women. Many Americans are struggling to save for retirement, but women face even higher hurdles.  The causes include the gender pay gap, longer […]

  • In the NewsApril 1, 2021

    Pensions in the Sunshine States

    Florida lawmakers are considering legislation that would eliminate retirement plan choice for state employees. The proposed measure would do away with defined benefit pensions for newly-hired employees, offering only a 401(k)-style defined contribution plan. Other states and localities that have implemented dramatic shifts to their public employee retirement plans have experienced unfortunate, unintended consequences – […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 25, 2021

    Tackling Retirement Would Be Bi-Partisan Win for Biden

    In a new MarketWatch column, Dan Doonan says President Joe Biden faces many challenges, from the coronavirus pandemic to high unemployment to widespread social unrest. He’s also facing resistance from Congress and a politically polarized nation.  But where Biden’s efforts enjoy bipartisan support is solving the retirement savings crisis. Despite deep divides, Americans are united […]

  • In the NewsJanuary 15, 2021

    Pensions Help Spur Economy

    In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Dan Doonan shares information about the substantial economic gains attributable to private and public sector pensions in the U.S. Retiree spending of pension benefits in 2018 generated $1.3 trillion in total economic output, supporting nearly seven million jobs across the nation. Pension spending also added nearly $192 billion to […]

  • In the NewsNovember 5, 2020

    Retirement has become more frustrating than a Rubik’s Cube

    In a new Marketwatch column, NIRS executive director Dan Doonan writes that retirement has become a Rubik’s Cube for most Americans. “So many factors impact how much one is able to save during their working years, and there are even more considerations as one tries to spend down their nest egg so they don’t run […]

  • In the NewsJune 17, 2020

    COVID-19 Recession is Destroying Millennials’ Retirement Dreams

    A commentary piece published by MarketWatch, Tyler Bond, NIRS research manager, examines the grim retirement outlook for Millennials. Let’s face it, millennials’ economic outlook has been fragile at best. We graduated from high school and college into a weak job market. The most educated generation in history entered the workforce with unprecedented student debt thanks […]