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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsDecember 7, 2017

    The Unsettling Truth About Women And Retirement

    Many Americans struggle with retirement planning, but women face a particularly dismal outlook. The National Institute on Retirement Security reports that they’re 80% more likely than men to be impoverished at age 65 and older. What’s contributing to the financial insecurity of aging women? Here’s a look at the variables at play. Read the full article.

  • In the NewsDecember 6, 2017

    What’s The Future Of Pensions In Kentucky?

    Kentucky has a looming pension crisis. The commonwealth expects to owe more money for state employees’ and teachers’ retirement than what’s coming in. Gov. Matt Bevin has proposed what he believes is a fix, but it’s been met with outrage by many of the state employees who would be affected. Read the full article.

  • In the NewsNovember 22, 2017

    American Families Deserve a Serious Policy Debate on Retirement Security

    With the debate on tax reform in full swing in Congress, tax incentives for savings appear to have avoided the chopping block. Yet, while sparing them doesn’t make it harder for American families to save for retirement, it doesn’t make it any easier either. There is much tax bill amending and horse trading still to […]

  • In the NewsNovember 15, 2017

    Millennials, Gen X’ers, Baby Boomers: Here’s What To Do About Your Retirement Woes

    Only about 50 percent of working American adults feel prepared to live comfortably in retirement. It’s a figure that remains relatively consistent across age groups, but each generation faces a retirement predicament of its own. We spoke to Jennifer Brown, manager of research at the National Institute on Retirement Security, who has quick advice for three generations on […]

  • In the NewsOctober 28, 2017

    Limit on 401(k) Savings? It’s About Paying for Tax Cuts

    When the benefits adviser Ted Benna first thought up a new type of employee savings plan in 1980, the client he created it for rejected the idea as too risky. After all, no one had previously used the unremarkable section of the tax code called 401(k) to defer paying taxes on money that rank-and-file workers […]

  • In the NewsAugust 14, 2017

    Why SC Teacher Pensions Matter to All of Us

    According to the National Institute on Retirement Security, state and local pension-fund benefits in South Carolina support a total of $3.8 billion in economic output in the state and $2.1 billion in value added in the state. Each $1 in taxpayer contributions to South Carolina’s state and local pension plans supports $4.65 in total output in […]

  • In the NewsAugust 14, 2017

    Why Eliminating Medicaid Would Hurt Us All

    Efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare have been suspended for the time being, and many Americans are breathing a sigh of relief. But Obamacare is far from safe, and the same is true for one of the key programs – Medicaid – that the law used to expand health care coverage for millions of Americans While many […]

  • In the NewsAugust 11, 2017

    How the GOP is Quietly Sabotaging Retirement for Millions

    How the GOP is quietly sabotaging retirement for millions  3:05 PM ET Fri, 11 Aug 2017 | 01:09 The nation is divided like never before. But there is at least one area where Americans agree. Across party lines, Americans are deeply worried about their economic security in retirement. Some 88 percent of Republicans and 92 percent […]