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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsAugust 5, 2017

    Hire Women Your Mom’s Age

    There’s something haywire about how women are expected to crunch our most celebrated achievements into a timetable that frequently lasts fewer than 20 years. Find a partner. Raise some chicks. Zoom to the top of your field. Check each box by 50. We may mistake this Acela for our life until it whooshes past, stranding […]

  • In the NewsAugust 1, 2017

    Legal or Not, States Forge Ahead With 401(k)-for-Everyone Plans

    This July, Oregon became the first to offer a retirement plan to full- and part-time private-sector workers who don’t have access to one through their employer. Eight other states — California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont and Washington — are implementing similar plans that should reach full rollout within the next five years. […]

  • In the NewsJuly 24, 2017

    Pennsylvania’s Hybrid Plan Seen as Falling Short

    After many fits and false starts to pension reform, Pennsylvania’s governor has a signed a measure that establishes a hybrid defined benefit/defined contribution plan for new state employees. Although some industry observers believe the new law is a step in the right direction, several others said the switch to a hybrid DB/DC plan does little […]

  • In the NewsJuly 22, 2017

    6 Biggest Headwinds Facing Women on the Road to Retirement (and What to Do About Them Before You Retire)

    Women face a lot of unique hurdles when it comes to planning for their retirement, and understanding and managing them accordingly can make all the difference between a comfortable retirement and barely scraping by. In this episode of Motley Fool Answers Opens a New Window., hosts Alison Southwick and Robert Brokamp go over the six biggest headwinds […]

  • In the NewsJuly 19, 2017

    The US is Lagging Europe on Retirement Security

    Among the leading nations for retirement security, the United States didn’t even crack the top 15, according to the 2017 Global Retirement Index by Natixis Global Asset Management. Europe, however, continued to dominate the top spots, with Norway at No. 1 for the second year in a row, followed by Switzerland and Iceland. Sweden ranked […]

  • In the NewsJune 21, 2017

    The Retirement Savings Gap: Time to Panic?

    Bank Investment Consultant  reports on the new NIRS research, stating that when left unaddressed, the gap in retirement savings could lead to a diminished quality of life for many older Americans and create severe pressure on social services and the social safety net. Read the article here.

  • In the NewsMay 2, 2017

    Congress Shouldn’t Make it Harder for Small Businesses to Offer Retirement Plans

    “It’s been said that if Congress kills the Department of Labor guidelines for state-based retirement plans for the private sector, then employers must step up to help address the nation’s retirement crisis. I’m here to say it’s not that easy—especially for small business owners who actually want to offer their employees a retirement plan.” Read […]

  • In the NewsMarch 23, 2017

    Ten-Fold Gain in Retirement Saving? No Thanks, Say Republicans

    “At the risk of stating the obvious: People are much more likely to save for retirement when they can do it automatically at work. How much more likely? Ten times, according to a study released this week. But someone apparently forgot to tell U.S. Congress and the White House, because both are moving to block […]