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Category: In the News

  • In the NewsMay 2, 2017

    Congress Shouldn’t Make it Harder for Small Businesses to Offer Retirement Plans

    “It’s been said that if Congress kills the Department of Labor guidelines for state-based retirement plans for the private sector, then employers must step up to help address the nation’s retirement crisis. I’m here to say it’s not that easy—especially for small business owners who actually want to offer their employees a retirement plan.” Read […]

  • In the NewsMarch 23, 2017

    Ten-Fold Gain in Retirement Saving? No Thanks, Say Republicans

    “At the risk of stating the obvious: People are much more likely to save for retirement when they can do it automatically at work. How much more likely? Ten times, according to a study released this week. But someone apparently forgot to tell U.S. Congress and the White House, because both are moving to block […]

  • In the NewsMarch 22, 2017

    Survey: 40% Of Self-Employed Pros Lack Retirement Savings

    “Most self-employed professionals wouldn’t trade their businesses for a traditional job—but many live with substantial financial risks as they fly solo, according to a survey being released today by FreshBooks, a provider of online accounting software for the self-employed. Although a large majority of freelancers and self-employed respondents said they are satisfied with their current situation and […]

  • In the NewsMarch 8, 2017

    Retirement Concerns Across Colorado

    “If you have ever had anxiety about retiring, you are definitely not the only one as a new retirement study shows many Coloradans are concerned for their future. A report conducted by the National Institute on Retirement Security shows many Coloradans see a rocky road to retirement. 82% of Coloradans believe the nation faces a […]

  • In the NewsMarch 3, 2017

    OPINION: A State Retirement Savings Plan for Working People

    “Working men and women and the middle class are the engines that drive our economy. But a secure retirement has become unattainable for many. The decline in retirement security is the result of many causes. The decimation of private-sector pensions, the stagnation of real wages and corporate cutbacks have all contributed to Pennsylvanians retiring with […]

  • In the NewsMarch 3, 2017

    Money Worries for Retired Women

    “Many women find it an uphill battle to save for retirement. Across all age groups, women have considerably less income in retirement than men, according to a report from the National Institute on Retirement Security. For women age 65 and older, their income is typically 25 percent lower than that of men. As men and women age, the […]

  • In the NewsMarch 3, 2017

    How Washington Is Eroding Retirement Security

    What are Congress and President Trump doing to ease the fears of Americans fearful that their standard of living will fall in retirement? Actually, Washington is taking two steps that could erode retirement security. And that’s happening at a time when 88% of Americans believe the nation faces a retirement crisis and 85% say leaders in Washington don’t […]

  • In the NewsMarch 2, 2017

    Coloradans Fear a Rocky Road to Retirement

    “Preparing for life after work is no picnic. A recent study by the National Institute on Retirement Securityreveals 82 percent of Coloradans believe the nation is facing a retirement crisis. The report, What do Coloradans think about Economic Security in Retirement? It’s a Rocky Road to Retirement, was released March 1 to coincide with America Saves Week, an annual opportunity […]