Social Security is the foundation of retirement security in the U.S. However, the program faces a financing gap that will result in the exhaustion of the Social Security trust fund in a decade unless Congress takes action. There is ample debate among Washington insiders about how to resolve the financing gap, but what do the American people think?
Recently NIRS collaborated with the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI), AARP, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on a public opinion research project regarding Social Security. One of the unique features of this project is that it includes a trade-off analysis in which the American people were asked to select their preferred package of policy options to address Social Security’s financing gap.
NIRS hosted a webinar for a thorough review and discussion of the findings. Webinar speakers included: Tyler Bond, Research Director, NIRS Rebecca Vallas, Chief Executive Officer, NASI Joel Eskovitz, Senior Director, Social Security and Savings, AARP Public Policy Institute Chantel Sheaks, Vice President, Retirement Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Mathew Greenwald, Founder and Managing Director, Strategic Initiatives, Greenwald Research