Press Release February 17, 2021

Amid Political Division, Americans United in Retirement Worry

…a retirement crisis. Americans also are united in their frustration that policymakers do not understand their retirement savings struggle. When it comes to Social Security, there is strong bi-partisan support…

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Press Release December 21, 2022

National Institute on Retirement Security Applauds SECURE 2.0 Legislation

…when younger workers are saving early in their career and at higher levels. NIRS research also finds that the burden of preparing for retirement is increasing as workers face more…

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Press Release May 14, 2024

New Research Finds Strong Support for State-Facilitated Retirement Programs for Workers Lacking Workplace Plans

…in multi-state compacts. It also will be interesting to see if the state programs spur growth in 401(k) plan offerings, especially given that SECURE 2.0 provisions will make it easier…

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Press Release November 24, 2008

New Research Finds Public Pensions Invest Prudently in Bull and Bear Markets

…are well situated to recover from today’s financial crisis in a manageable way,” he commented. Report co-author Dr. Jeffrey Wenger remarked, “The results underscore that public pensions are suitable for…

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Press Release December 19, 2019

National Institute on Retirement Security Applauds Passage of Retirement Legislation

…Americans are struggling to save for retirement, the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) commends the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives for bi-partisan passage of the spending bill with…

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Press Release December 6, 2020

New Report Examines Innovative Public Pension Funding Strategies

…in Washington, D.C., NIRS’ diverse membership includes financial services firms, employee benefit plans, trade associations, and other retirement service providers. More information is available at Follow NIRS on Twitter…

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Press Release July 12, 2023

New Report Finds Alarming Retirement Outlook for Generation X

…Program Participation (SIPP), a nationally representative longitudinal survey that provides comprehensive information on the dynamics of income, employment, household composition, and government program participation. The National Institute on Retirement Security…

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Press Release December 3, 2023

New Report Examines Impacts of Switching Away from Defined Benefit Pension Plans

…active members combined with sound funding practices show strong results. In the closed plans, cash flows have become more negative over time as demographics shift and the plan begins to…

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Press Release February 28, 2022

83% of Americans Worried About K-12 Public School Staff Shortages

…young people. It’s a complicated problem without easy fixes, but a failure to develop meaningful solutions will have far reaching consequences for the nation’s well-being and competitiveness.” “Our research finds…

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