February 2018

Millennials and Retirement: Already Falling Short

A new report finds a deeply troubling retirement outlook for the Millennial generation. Most Millennials have nothing saved for retirement, and those who are saving aren’t saving nearly enough. The report indicates that many factors are contributing to this generation’s retirement savings challenges – from depressed wages to the lack of eligibility to participate in […]

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Issue Briefs February 2018

Retirement Reform Lessons: The Experience of Palm Beach Public Safety Pensions

A new case study examines the impacts of the actions of the Town of Palm Beach when substantial changes were made to the retirement plans offered to the town’s employees. The case study details the 2012 decision by the Palm Beach Town Council to close its existing defined benefit (DB) pension systems for its employees, […]

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Reports October 2017

Win-Win: Pensions Efficiently Serve American Schools and Teachers

A new report finds that defined benefit (DB) teacher pension plans work for both schools and teachers, and that there are important policy reasons to continue offering these retirement plans.

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Issue Briefs September 2017

Issue Brief: Improving the Saver’s Credit for Low and Moderate Income Workers

A series of legislative fixes – some small and others more substantial – would make the Saver’s Credit less complex and more likely to achieve its intended goal of providing greater incentives and increase retirement savings.

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Issue Briefs September 2017

Revisiting the Three Rs of Teacher Retirement: Recruitment, Retention and Retirement

This issue brief analyzes the effectiveness of pensions on teacher retention and productivity. It finds that pensions play a critical role in recruiting and retaining highly productive teachers.

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Reports August 2017

Decisions, Decisions: An Update on Retirement Plan Choices for Public Employees and Employers

Public employees with retirement plan choice overwhelmingly choose defined benefit pension plans over defined contribution 401(k)-type individual accounts.

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