Pensionomics 2018: Measuring the Economic Impact of Defined Benefit Pension Expenditures
Economic gains attributable to defined benefit (DB) pensions in the U.S. are substantial. Retiree spending of pension benefits in 2016 generated $1.2 trillion in total economic output, supporting some 7.5 million jobs across the U.S. Pension spending also added a total of $202.6 billion to government coffers, as taxes were paid at federal, state and […]
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Teacher Pensions vs. 401(k)s in Six States: Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri and Texas
A new report finds that teacher pension plans play a critical role in retaining educators while also providing greater retirement security than 401(k)-style retirement accounts. Eight out of ten educators serving in the six states studied can expect to collect pension benefits that are greater in value than what they could receive under an idealized […]
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Pensionomics 2018: Measuring the Economic Impact of Multiemployer DB Pension Expenditures
This study analyzes data on specific private sector pension plans (referred to as “multiemployer plans”) to assess the overall national economic impact of benefits paid by these plans to retirees. We estimate the employment, output, value added, and tax impacts of pension benefit expenditures from multiemployer plans at the national level, and find that the […]
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Latinos’ Retirement Insecurity in the United States
This report finds that inequalities in access and eligibility to employer-sponsored retirement plans are contributing to persistent retirement savings gaps for Latinos. As a result, Latinos are falling even further behind in preparing for retirement. Only 31 percent of all working age Latinos participate in workplace retirement plans, resulting in a median retirement account balance […]
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Retirement in America | Out of Reach for Most Americans?
A new research report finds that the retirement savings levels of working age Americans remain deeply inadequate despite economic recovery. An analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data reveals that the median retirement account balance among all working individuals is $0.00. The data also indicate that 57 percent (more than 100 million) of working age individuals […]
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State Fact Sheet
In partnership with NRTA: AARP’s Educator Community, NIRS has developed a series of state-by-state infographic fact sheets regarding the public employee and teacher retirement systems across the country. These fact sheets present a snapshot of these retirement systems along with key data from NIRS research and other sources. We invite you to learn more about each […]
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